One set for masterfully cleaning outdoors

SupraMOP set

One set for masterfully cleaning outdoors

The BONUS+ SupraMOP is a durable set designed specifically for mopping outdoors and on rough, concrete surfaces.

Outdoor mopping can not be postponed infinitely. When we finally decide to start it, it usually turns out that the mop and other accessories used indoors could easily disintegrate on rougher ourdoor surfaces. We have created the BONUS+ SupraMOP set to prepare for such situations and to use it as a specially designed robust equipment to clean stairs, patios, pavements, concrete or garages.

Heavy Duty

This decorative kit is made up of an extremely strong trio. The extra long lasting design of the BONUS 18l mopping bucket ensures that you don’t need to change your water every few square meters, while the increased wall thickness and balanced center of gravity provide stability. The red-black color of the bucket provides an extremely decorative look, so you don’t have to hide it in the basement after use. The extra long 130 cm BONUS Aluchrome MopHANDLE also contributes to the effectiveness of the set. It gives you perfect access to more remote locations, and provides a stable grip during use.

At the heart of the collection is the BONUS+ SupraMOP, which is specifically designed to effectively wash and scrub coarser, rough surfaces. It’s secret lies in the thick fibers, which are guaranteed not to disintegrate even under heavy use. In addition, it has tremendous absorbency, making it extremely practical if you want to soak up the liquid on larger, coarser surfaces.

Eco tips for a sustainable future

Eco-tips: For outdoor mopping, use natural materials such as vinegar, lemon or a few drops of liquid washer nuts instead of agressive synthetic chemicals. This prevents toxins from leaking into the soil.

Made in Hungary
Made in Hungary

A significant part of the Bonus products are trademarks of Made in Hungary, Hungarian Product or Processed in Hungary.

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SupraMOP set
Product information
Product number: B272 EAN: 5997844300272
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SupraMOP szett display
Product information
Product number: B668 EAN: 5997844301668
Product data sheet Product data sheet
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