The guests have departed, and you have a bunch of red wine glasses waiting for you on the table. Sound familiar? The delicate, narrow glasses are easily breakable, but you know you have to remove the red stains from the bottom. That’s when a small sponge scourer really comes in handy. You can find one in every household: it fits in your hand perfectly and is extremely easy to work with. It’s also great if you need to reach those surfaces that wouldn’t be accessible with a larger scourer. Champagne glasses, lemon squeezers or even the spaces between the blades of a smoothie maker or blender. This flexible, easy-grip sponge scourer is also ideal for removing stubborn bits of food stuck to cutlery. But let’s not stop at the kitchen – this flexible little sponge is useful all over the house. Thanks to its small size, it’s also great for disinfecting handles and wiping down lampshades and light switches, as you can precisely target the given area. It’s also the easiest way to reach residue hidden in the smallest nooks and crannies.
Naturally, the larger, classic sponge scourer also has its die-hard fans. We were curious about which type of scourer people prefer, which is why we conducted a poll on Facebook. The results: 56% to 44% in favor of large sponge scourers!
It’s no surprise so many of you adore large scourers. They really do have some wonderful features, and it’s always pleasing to clean large smooth surfaces with a single swipe. Like a kitchen worktop, dining table or garden bench. A slightly damp, easy-to-grip large sponge scourer is perfect for dealing with big surfaces. The best thing is that you can glide it across the whole surface of furniture without needing to rinse it over and over again. It’s also worth choosing a large scourer if you need to wash up larger baking trays, pans and cooking pots, or remove food residue stuck to the bottom. No need for delay: this scourer will immediately collect the bulk of dirt, saving you from having to creep along inch by inch. Windowsills, cabinet tops, plastic garden chairs and tables also require the strength and rigidity of a large scourer.
The best thing is to keep both types in your household and combine them as needed, depending on whether you need small or large sweeps when cleaning.